Update: NO Rolleiflex digital TLR

Update 3 April 2023:
This news turned out to be a prank, which has disappointed a lot of Rolleiflex lovers. The Twitter account that is quoted below is now renamed to RolleiFans. It started out as a student prank, but the owner is now apologising to the photographic community.

According to a tweet on the official Rolleiflex Twitter account, Rolleiflex is to bring the TLR into the digital age. The release date is set to 4 April 2023.

Rolleiflex 2.8F, soon a digital TLR?
By Sputniktilt – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=26971987

The specs of this digital Rolleiflex TLR are as follows (again according to the Twitter account):

  • 70mm f2.8 lens
  • Magnesium alloy body
  • Fully weather sealed
  • Standard waist level finder with focusing screen, optionally a digital waist level viewfinder with a 3MP 3.2 inch LCD
  • 2 SD card slots
  • Weight 850 grams

This is truly exciting news and fully in line with the current trend of nostalgia in photography.

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