Pentax LX

Beginning of this year we already announced the development of a new Pentax film camera. Last week a status update was posted by Ricoh on where they are on the development of this new camera.

It seems that Ricoh is planning more than one new Pentax film camera to be newly designed and developed. However, they are first starting with a compact film camera, that has an SLR style manual film winding mechanism. The camera will have a non-interchangeable fixed lens. The camera will be newly designed from the ground up, although they are not excluding the use of some existing parts.

The announcement has been published by Ricoh on YouTube, where you can see the whole message. If you are not fluent in Japanese, please make sure to enable the transcript.

From the video, it is clear that Ricoh is also thinking further than this compact camera and are considering the development of an SLR as well. They have received requests for the successor of the Pentax LX camera.

Pentax LX

Pentax has received a lot of support all around for their plans to develop a new film camera. Many have offered their knowledge and services to assist the development of this camera.

Do you want to get into analog photography as well? Please check out my book A Digital Workflow For Analog Photography on Amazon. It is available as paperback as well as eBook.

Stay tuned on this exciting new development!

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